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Leverage the Power of Patient Connections for Your Clinical Trial

The days where patients are mere subjects of clinical trials are over, as the demand grows for better representation of patients in clinical research and clinical trials. Although we often hear or speak about patient centricity, the fact is, implementation is challenging.

Our Purpose at Patient Co-Next is to advise and support study sponsors and clinical trial service providers, on the best patient engagement strategy and activities for their study goals, budgets and timelines.

Illuminating the Patient
in Clinical Trials

Our Purpose

Patient advocacy, patient centricity, patient engagement, the voice of the patient, patients as partners – whatever term resonates best with you, the fact is that from patients to providers to healthcare authorities; expectations in how clinical research and clinical trials involve patients, are changing.

Patient insights early in research and applied to trial design and protocol development, will become a key parameter of best practice in patient centricity.

What We Can Do for You

The Power of
Patient Connections

We hear repeatedly from clinical trial teams that patient recruitment is challenging, patient compliance is challenging, timelines and targets for recruitment are often not met; among many other pain points.
This results in trials that:

  • are delayed, cancelled or fail

  • under-recruit and are under-powered

  • go over budget

The Patient Journey in Clinical Trials

Barriers and Enablers from the
Perspectives of Patients

Patient insights have informed us of key barriers and enablers for participation in clinical trials, which occur all along the clinical trial journey.

The key barriers can be categorised into 4 areas:

  • Lack of awareness

  • Health literacy

  • Uncertainty

  • Trial Burden

Our PACE Approach

Lowering the Hurdles in

Clinical Trials

If clinical trials are like a hurdles race, where have you set the hurdles based on your approach to the clinical trial design and implementation?

Imagine if patient engagement early in the process, lowers the hurdles even further? We believe it can with our PACE Approach – comprising of Patient Advocacy, Centricity and Engagement around a study.

In Focus

Implementing Patient Centricity

Coming soon: See examples of patient centricity in clinical trials, keep up-to-date on hot topics , and access resources to help you achieve your goals.


Bridging Patient Advocacy & Pharma

Patient Co-Next was launched in 2024 from the partnership between two professionals from the pharmaceutical industry and patient advocacy. With a collective experience of 30 years in patient engagement, and 16 years applying this to clinical trials, this joining of forces is something unique. Their shared mission and passion is to make patient engagement in clinical research a gold standard.

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